As the disciples on the road to Emmaus told, the woman at the well waiting bold, and the prodigal once to be found with the Lord, see him standing now at the hand of the Father again. From the distance it takes from one nail scarred hand to the other, we would be doing well to take a seat at the feet of the King. Then there's the issue of the really sick son that once but a servant would tell. The goodness of God waits not just for occasion as them being brought back to the kingdom, them that have come from afar, or those having entered quite unbid to his feast. Come now to the hand of the Father again, the poor, the needy, the hopeless, the few, the righteous, the just, the chosen, and of them the least.



- Gotten from cows in the bargain

Once it was whispered of a people rebellious having been long since forgot about by the Lord. These lived entirely on breads of a sort which was more than enough for the tempting of diet. Basically, these wouldn't have been able to long forgo without eating, not wherever the Lord would've been leading. Though to get there at first, the...

This is what's to be done after a fainting spell once again. Perhaps someone's died as one that's brought back from the grave or having arisen after just the pains the infernium would bring. Either way, the desire for food is lacking with the person having forgotten to eat or else gone a long time but of course. By this...

Basically all that's to say, I could run circles around those things really in what's exactly 111.11 in any direction from the center right there. Though, this loop will keep me from running into the things of the next, I'm very much positive really or so on from then relatively in a manner of speaking. With that in mind, there's...

Captured Above


For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.