As the disciples on the road to Emmaus told, the woman at the well waiting bold, and the prodigal once to be found with the Lord, see him standing now at the hand of the Father again. From the distance it takes from one nail scarred hand to the other, we would be doing well to take a seat at the feet of the King. Then there's the issue of the really sick son that once but a servant would tell. The goodness of God waits not just for occasion as them being brought back to the kingdom, them that have come from afar, or those having entered quite unbid to his feast. Come now to the hand of the Father again, the poor, the needy, the hopeless, the few, the righteous, the just, the chosen, and of them the least.

The current basis of care tells about then very much of a certain standard from when care was necessity and certain realities given. In most circles of academic and professional nature, it is held up as the very far-off standard to which providers attained in some part though in singular fashion. That is partly what has led to care being...



Introduction Personal care was known to have many benefits to person health including improved outcomes, decreased agitation, increased quality of life, and better mental health. This style of care focused on providing care according to the persons’ wishes. Despite recommended care guidelines, implementation barriers existed in the form of poor...

And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.