Warriorum Centralis


Usually some have much to do to keep from getting swallowed up on the whole. You now, that small nagging feeling that comes after you've done something you shouldn't at first rather. Then the rest of your days become one continual penance expression. Well, not yours exactly but someone else's perhaps in the bargain. Say if you'd messed up badly enough then for the win. It's just quite possibly a normal chance of human feelings to feel badly for what of their sins and so as to seek to atone. Usually the good Lord designed these things to be focused, a conscience to point us in the rightward direction not into what we can do cause there's nothing that'll work of the sort. Other than quite possibly making you feel better for a time so as to win and then it's always a slide right back into sin. Then along comes the next expression as a whole the long vicious cycle continues again. Perhaps dealing with stuff once and for all right out in the open would prohibit all this feeling bad expression. You know how over time, it starts to rot at your brain leaving you worried more in the places you shouldn't really. Let's face it, keeping secrets is bad for the health as are all the negative feelings you're currently harboring from all those that've hurt you from there back again. Rather as tithes on the whole instead of merely just dragging the rest on out of the house.