Wild Once Again


17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

Genesis 3:17

Adam here it seems very much has got the short end of the stick so to speak for his part he played in the fall of man. Though if you're wonderering it's much more of a rediscovery really or a half-hearted exploration attempts at it shown. That's why God's the next best possible solution as far as leaders of the house go in creation so to speak. Basically that's what it all comes down to cause no other house leader has been able to create something from nothing quite like he can or so too then to call into being. The issue here is very much really that of the servant perspective despite himself being a reaper of a perspective like this. Since Adam here had chosen his family dynamic over the taking authority of what he otherwise ought, the Lord basically places a curse upon it here or in other words to keep it down from rising on back up of a sort. Perhaps you might already know some things that should stay down in this fashion like your food and lots of other stuff of that nature. It'd be strange very much really if the ground suddenly had risen up from whence Adam came so too being given a voice in it's name. Adam though was meant as with all things to keep the earth proper through the dressing and keeping of it to keep the ground well out from his house, as it already had, and also out of a few other places. Then, it's a very good thing the Lord placed protections on him then for what he'd once not known of the nature so too having felt guilty for leaving off of his former family position. When it comes to Levi really you'll see as with all things a very big family though all gathered around together under God as the head with everyone else following right on a bit later or if they chose not to, the Lord's power in sending the Rephadim would be once more displayed. You might've wondered at the use of words and their meaning all through this section. That's because the word Rephadim refers to that certain say valley with it's mountains so high and shadows so grim. Even there though, there's hope for the future and life always really. It seems then with the Lord on their side, there's also that of a hope and a future because if nothing else there's naught but the keeping of him. That's a pretty good deal if you ask me and so too I'll just take it from here. Only service then and the Lord's hand is enough to keep the ground down of a sorts. If you're not frightened yet, perhaps you very much should be. Though to the rest of these, not possessing the nature, it's become something more of a responsibility and that not a chore. Perhaps though the curse is what makes it lie hidden from the rest of creation or like that the eyes of the woman veiled after the much dressing and keeping has rendered it tame in a fashion.