Trans-theoretical Approaches
Now, let me take the same test I just gave out cause otherwise the rules are unfair I suppose. After all, why should I be judging differently by anything else other than my own stuck-up self-centered sort of opinion. I'd imagine if a lot more politicians said that along with all of our nurses and the rest of the workforce, we'd all be that much closer to finding the truth. Truth as Pilate once questioned is a never-ended search of the ages. I mean, it was right there all along in his hand, should he but happened to look. Sure, our good Lord knew what was done I suppose, because it was his place from the start. When determining truth then, you'll need an awful good stick to measure with, something a lot more different than you. It's not that I don't think you're good enough, just that you and I both fall short of all that there is. Otherwise we'd not be even having this chat and you know it as well. So then, the measure of all that is good and true must first rest with the Lord. On him then is the building and the whole rest of the cases. You might just hand in the judgement and ruling as well while you're at it. It's all his for it came from him I suppose along with his care. I know though, some of you still don't think that is needed. Except that there's some small difference in our own human opinion and it's affecting a whole lot more than the people. That's usually the point in time where most of the medical sort go grabbing their theories and stuffing them wherever's convenient. I mean, the begetters of theories are philosophers sure. What if I told you though that there was hardly a reason to go quoting someone else's own opinions when you haven't even reached any sort of solutions. Chances are they too have some issues with it right from the start, their bias that is and it's conflicting with the worldview they're having right now. I mean, what else are you supposed to think when what you see and what you do don't exactly line up to what you think is ideally needed. That's why I've taken the liberty of providing you my own useless opinion since from the start there's no agreement of sorts.
A long time ago, the mother of nursing, Florence Nightingale, felt called by the Lord. She went around from place to place, from there and back again lighting the lamps and doing whatever's needed. It was a period in time really when no one else cared. I'm sure at times she felt all alone, like she was in a fight against the medical establishment all by herself. She didn't think medical care belonged to just a select few but rather to those that needed it most. It went to those wounded from war, to the halls of the rich, to the house of the poor that were injured. Perhaps you ought to think about that next time you say God called you I guess. Cause he sure didn't call you back to those of your people and tribe. What sort of God would call you to minister to those in your same exact circle. Just think of only bringing flowers to those that share your same opinion. What about me and my crew? I'm sure we're over here suffering from our same misguided opinions. They didn't work for you remember, which is what led you off on your quest for changing the world. If you're thinking all that's a crock load of nonsense, that's because it probably is. Think though, of how care is currently given. It goes straight for the silos of those that share your same view. In fact, these have paid to be part of it either through work or otherwise such as getting it straight from the government. From there, the care is further divided into those lacking payment abilities and what's actually given from provider opinion without anything else but that much. Then there's testings and trials to get to the heart of disease or whatever currently ails you and the medicines they give you has quite a few side effects and effects upon all other sorts of a system. By that point in treatment, you'll need meds to cover those that were given at first with hope long forgotten and no clue if you're getting any better or not. Never mind that's what you originally asked them to do.
The provider opinion is taking first place from here. Soon after awhile your organs start shutting down from a number of mysterious diseases that weren't really introduced to at first. Maybe they've tried to explain or talk to you about it but it's hard work slipping all this past your defenses. I mean you of all people should know about what happens once you've already formed your own opinion. It's the same thing in medical care, just watch it and see, only the rewards are for money and fame and the same sort of a thing. I mean, I can't just sit here and watch anything happen. Look at you, one breath away from the grim reaper and not one bit healthier though. What's happened to all that money that was paid out for you all in the name of having insurance. Then again, they don't care about your place or even your ability to keep on working to pay off a debt. If there's food on the table, what's that to them. They'll just point you in the direction of a few choice food clinics that likewise are struggling to keep up with something known as demand. It's what occurs when you and a bunch of others that are going through the same sort of thing all get together to discuss what's happened. Maybe there's discussion though and maybe there isn't. Seems like a wasted opportunity to make use of a good old-fashioned community discussion. I think your opinions collective would do much to prevent the issues currently occurring. Except that they don't due to the prevailing order of what's been in place since the forefathers began. Times are changing though and they're still dead in their graves. Perhaps they'd be turning over right about now if they saw the state of things here. Who's to tell them though, except that you go and that'd not help us any in solving our first two opinions.
There, we finally have it the heart of the matter. You and I are equals when it comes to this game of life that we're living down here. Suppose you've heard some say death is the great equalizer of all and that's because there's none that have been found surviving it. Perhaps you'd agree with me that something should really be done. What's that though when we're of such different sorts of opinions. I mean, to a headhunter in southwest Brazil, they'd just as like a cannibalization than to be accepting of any other actual meat. The vegans too would take offense at that. What's to be done then for the food. Though you agree with me that there should be some, we shouldn't just starve. I mean, that's a different sort of human ethical violation occurring right there. So what then, tell me, am I cooking for dinner. I happen to dislike certain preparations of foods and it just so happens that's what you're currently fixing for me. I mean, I might as well go on and do some additional sort of cooking. While we're discussing the provisions of care, let's just go and redefine it broadly to be far more than just medical sorts of opinions. Instead, it's all that's required for life and the begetting of such including the health. There, that's much less of an isolated sort of a view, one that works far better for you. That's why we disagreed from the start, now isn't it? Let's say though that I only have limited resources. I can only afford care for one or two weeks and not a bit more. So what if I'm in the position to lead now at this time. I feel bad I can't do but so much for you, because in order to come 'round to your side of the view, I too had to be affected by much more than just losing my position. It's a human side of the story if you happen to think. So too does the thread of life wind round connecting us all. Whether rich or poor, we're caught in it's net. Where we let it bring us is anyone's guess. The point though I'm making is that I can't afford to care any longer for you much less myself. There's no shame to be found in that. Some cultures of care would call it a burnout and tell the person they'd be better off seeking some other kind of work. Come to think of it, it's not the best you can do. Who else is there that knows the issues better than me. Sure I could always take time out to train my replacement as some of them do. By that time though, I'd be pretty well heartbroken cause these were all that were it there for me. Many cultures go through this though where they turn over all sorts of people seeking solutions for a much deeper heart of an issue. In case you haven't wondered it's a whole system of issues that's been affected. Anyway in more ways than one after another, all connected together more so than the initial difference at first. What's to become of me and my people then when we've done all that we humanly can. It's something more powerful even than the ages of man. It's that one great life force uniting and bringing together. Whether you like it or not, you're now part of me and I've accepted responsibility now for your life. Whether that's before God or just you and me, there's a time when you too will be needing some help. To be accepting of that from another then, there's no shame there in that. In fact, reaching out is sometimes the best thing you could do.