Torn in Between


For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith;

Philippians 1:23-25

I don't know about you but perhaps you've heard a thing or two borne about as tales on the wind. They're called rumors, believe it or not, from there back again. Nor are these as some have required especially needful save for only Christ once again. Paul here is very much not making a joke or even some fun. Indeed, there's nothing even remotely humorous in this situation to which he is so called up til now having been missing. I mean, if Paul would rather, I'm sure we all know what he'd chose to be with the Lord. Perhaps Paul would find as some often do that his way got brighter and brighter as time then went on even so being lit with the Lord. Just think of it now, this one to whom he was in bondage and chains. It's very much a servant perspective if you will, though servant above all of the very much Just. There is no words to describe it then really, this one before whom and to whom all is now made. I'm sure having a perspective as this, Paul would much rather be found with the Lord. Just think of a perspective as a point of view, if you will, one for seeing things rather. Now to you before whom you've come think of it this way, as one greater than and washed white in the glory. You know, the whole before Abraham was "I AM" which certainly is the better state of the two to be in from the next. Basically it's like saying Christ is before all in all and through all things and by him all things consist. That little word consist, is an awfully tricky one. It means quite simply to be be as with all things held in his hands. Doubtless, eternity with the Lord would be much better far rather than just from there until glory. Though Paul had a few things weighing on him down here below. There's that of the earthly condition of the saints that he'd left in the church, as dear to him as his own very skin. Then too there's that of their own spiritual condition to be seen of a sorts. I mean, after all, what's the good of the blessing if not for the making way of eternity proper. Surely our Lord in his mercy would help and protect our beloved apostle, and not for his sake only but that of the entire world. I know, it's like saying Paul's life was just that much more important than most. Which really, would seem blasphemous to some and hurtful at best to the rest. So then it's not his life once again that herein is the issue whether he lives or he dies or just with Christ he abides. It's the calling on his life much rather that's above all standing true to the test. It gives him confidence and surety of his ministry before God until all be fulfilled. Much like as it seems, the Lord isn't in the abandonment business. You probably know of a few like that much rather and doubtless feel some type of way for the struggle had not our God stepped in once again. Herein it seems that whoever the leader, our God would go on protecting his people. Given Paul's faithfulness to God and the glory, the obedience before which very much rather It's only from there until eternity with the keeping power of God as upon these pages his story would tell. Then, it's only eternity central with the love of the Father expressed in the living once on from there.