Tables of God
Acts 14:11-13
And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia,
Now I am not sure I know much at all about Lycaonian speech. If it is anything like Paul's in 1 Corinthians 7, then that really is saying something. See, he begins with the notion that the body is not made for man or for woman. Rather, it is unto the Lord. But by permission has God given certain things. For this cause does each man have his own wife; together they have power over each other's bodies. Thus, both renders to the other due benevolence without defrauding save in cases of prayer and fasting. This is done so Satan tempts not the church, or in specific – you. Nor should they depart each other. But rather each should abide, as with Christ, in the state to which we have been called. So has each received their proper gifting from God. No, Paul is not merely gender confused. See, the male and female of the created them is borne out in Genesis 5:2. Some spouses and children may yet be unbelieving. Yet the abiding spouse who believes will sanctify them both. Herein is salvation found for each. My, it almost sounds like an angel situation that we have spoken of before, does it not.
Certainly, Paul is facing a large group of people with some very strange customs and ways about them. Even their speech seems odd. If you recall prior, the woman also is saved in childbearing. Now I get that this text is condoning neither child, angel, nor gay marriage. Rather, consider the testimony of Solomon. There is a certain abiding in your calling spoken here. It matters not if there are children, virgins, angel feathers, or circumcision peeking through this text. But the keeping the commands of God carries eternal weight both in this life and the one to come. For this cause Paul preached the servanthood of God. See, sometimes we have been called to places to act as if we have not. Sure, it is not by our own choosing. But even in this can God provide. So, then Paul turns to the wife and the virgin that we might serve God without distraction. Suppose a man cannot decide whether to keep his virgin or to give her away. Yet is the wife bound until death to her husband. At which time she is free to marry again in the Lord. But, says the Lord, 'she is better to abide.'
The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.
My, I know this is supposed to be a serious situation. But look at something with me here. The crowd there wanted to call Paul, Mercury, which really ought to tell you something. Maybe you had not already guessed, but Paul was of quick mood, being very temperamental. Barnabas was called Jupiter by the crowds of that area. Those of you who know anything about Greek mythology can likely tell you all about Jupiter's son, Apollos. Now, Paul might have a warped and twisted sense of humor; but remember this was his right-hand man in the watering of the seed harvest that was the church. I am sure Paul is not merely being funny here, as some are wont to think. Nor was he simply flippant. Those Jewish magicians and the people thereof were wise unto themselves; these also have some serious charges brought forth here. First, they accuse the gods of coming to earth in human form. Next, they specifically attach two of these deities unto the apostles. Never mind the fact that these have the wrong deities in mind altogether. So, you might be inclined to think after witnessing a miracle, such was done by a god or those in fashion thereof. But look, Paul is about to go deeper into this matter still. I would offer more teaching of such; but I think Paul says it all so perfectly, do you not agree. He is between a man sleeping with his father's wife and being worshipped as a god. Between it all is a living, breathing baby church yet learning to crawl. What happened in this text is proof enough of this.
Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.
See, in 1 Corinthians 8 we read the words of those that know much. Yet whether you know a lot or a little, still love brings us all together. For love makes a man known of God. Indeed, the very act and essence thereof is his. Thus, this Jupiterian priest in his actions shows much love. I am sure between the despiteful usage of before and the seeking bodily hurt, the apostles were much moved by this demonstration. But as with all things, herein lies the temptation. After all this, it might be nice to be treated as gods for a day. I am sure, the priest thought by doing so, he would save their lives in so worshipping them. But only one God truly saves; for by his power did he not make all things. See, there are many gods just as I see many lords of men and people in the situation. So also, are their idols nothing. In so doing, if you eat meat offered to idols or not, it matters little. But each person so lives before God. Some it bothers much, defiles more, and does nothing to others. Imagine if you will, being saved to a spiritual husband, even God the Father, who in all things treated you right. Say your ex which used you despitefully returned to knock upon your door. Some of you might show the love of Christ to such a one. Still others might say, 'begone; I have a better master now.' But if you were to be one to follow him to the forsaking of the lover of your soul – you can well imagine such an end. This is why Paul says later not to offend the brethren. Sitting at those meat and idol temples with knowledge will trip up some people; they might be caused to sin knowingly. So then, would they also sin against Christ. This is why Paul would not accept their offering by eating of idol flesh. For as we see, he would do nothing to offend the brethren. So should we. See, if you cannot bear the word of the former, at least hear what the latter says. The sticks to make the lame men walk are all in place. Now you just need some faith that God will lay them straight.