Square Root of Being

Finally, here’s the long-awaited solution to the matter at hand. I mean come on now, you’ve waited enough of a sorts. Though it’s probably less of a solution and more of a problem displacement more really. When was the last time though you’ve ever seen calculations though become any more than just letters and words. Most of the time, all of it’s just appearing at random. Then there’s an issue and nobody’s got the faintest idea as to why without a few more degrees down successfully eaten, well under their belt so to speak. When a long time ago, there could’ve been a much simpler solution for solving the issues. Do I think it’s revolutionary, sure, absolutely. Let’s take for example the faintest shape of them yet, that’d be the square in the middle, never you fret. Remember the details of equation that simply was found in the table? We’re going to be solving through looking at relative isolation or both sides in the bargain. Don’t worry, it doesn’t sound nearly as harsh as it seems.
5000 or area = Side 1, 2, 3, 4/4 or Side 1 and Side 2 and Side 3 and Side 4/4
The numbers though won’t quite fit there for sure.

5000 = 50, 50, 50, 50/4

Now here at this point almost anything that could happen goes into it then.

50, 50, 50, 50     4
___________ x ____
       4                     1

The fours on top and bottom cancel out but of course leaving you with

50, 50, 50, 50/1

There’s one thing you ought to know before we go any further. There are two measurements provided depending on the wall that you chose. I decided we’d go with the 50, but there’s also 100 waiting for your practice in just a few.

OR think of the formula for square again at the moment. Whatever’s missing of course? That’s right, only the length and width are needed so far that you see. Including the other side at this point does nothing except complicate things of a sort. Let’s do the problem real quick.


Versus what Solomon’s doing in getting a whole absolute monster size of a building. I can always add stuff at first. Let’s do that by adding the 50s in then.



Oops, if anything it’s shrank down just a bit. Let’s try multiplying it by 4 to see if that helps.


That’s an improvement and probably just a bit more in size than the first. Then let’s see if you can tell me what the original side length of this room should actually be.

? and ? divided into 200

Hold up though just a bit. Both length and width need to be equal and none of this seems to fit. You know, there’s 4, 9, 16, 25, etc but what do you do when nothing else seems to be working of course. Let’s list the common things that divide into it then really quick. These would be 2, 4, 5, 10 but where the 4 and the 10 are they’re not really figured down to the smallest of these. If you only looked at this and disregarded the rest then at first, you’ll conclude somewhat wrongly in speaking that 4.5 is right there in the middle which when multiplied out gives you 2010 to which the two decimal points must be persevered in the bargain. When properly placed, these are added in multiplication for each possible place making it 20.10 then so far. You’re following this then of sorts? Perhaps it doesn’t seem like it’s working. Let’s try the least of these then as 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5 and see what would figure. Already we know that 10 and 10 makes 100 perfectly as a square root of being. Thus the solution, working backwards is somewhere between 10 and 20 when figured out really. The 15 then multiplied together gets us an even 220, which is still far too high for the building. The 15 and 14 also makes it 210 which is still much too high for the shelf. The 2 in front really ought to be serving some sort of function. The 14.5 also gets us 210.10 of a sort and also the 14.25s which makes 203 something and then. The 14.125 only so also figured is responsible for almost nearly summoning the walls of the building coming right on in at a nice neat little figure, 199,33 or so on after. Well, I’m so sorry to have been of assistance in solving for dollhouse, which simply put has some bearing on Solomon’s marriage and things. It still doesn’t do much for the issue though of those huge large precious stones and some change. Well, how’s that for a master class in proportions? Basically, it’s all just a way of slicing up figures much like the precious stones then at hand and how the light shines on through making no difference between the walls and something smaller like diamonds or rings. Multiplying everything together then will produce much the same sort of system.


That’s 6,250,000 which is approximately million to you, about the size of a very small city or a large one then really depending on your view which when it’s rendered – what’s that again?

Six million two hundred and fifty thousand square area
or what has been cubed
scratch that really, it’s got four-dimensional building

Where were we then? Depending on your view of a sort, while poor Solomon couldn’t even seem to get out of the closet of course. Either way, this best shows you the options so far and it’s up to you to pick the most sensible one of the few. In this case, you’ll want the best possible option for all things considered then really.

5000 = 100 times 50
Which runs into this once again
15 x ? = 5000/15
? = 333.33 repeating.

Whew, that’s much too large of a figure. I’ve got 45 pillars with that much between them and only 50 to 100 on each side of the building. I’m trying to only find out how much between each pillar of side which also isn’t right from the beginning. 45 into 5000 isn’t much better either, not quite, with 111.11 repeating from there. In that case, it’d look like freshly grated Swiss looking cheese or so on a plate.

With the down lines being the pillars between and also the across lines representing some beams up at the top all meant for bearing the roof. Each and every space between poles will be 111.11 exactly in any direction pointing straight out from the center. Can you finish placing the rest of the poles around in the house? There’ll be about 12 others not shown on the graph. I’d like you to add them in now if you can. Basically, the graph refers to a nice neat little place for the storage of lines and also of representing data then later. It makes things much easier to explain from a glance. It sounds kind of crazy at first until you consider the sun streaming down with it’s light come in beams. Not exactly ideal, is it, thus far to have the sun come indoors. It’s liable among other things to just starting burning stuff on down to the ground mainly for two possible reasons thusly. Number one has to do with the heat and there’s the other reason that’s also gone with it.