Situation No Longer
Acts 16:9-11
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
It is often said that when one door closes another one opens. Personally, I have only seen this happen two places: haunted houses and here. Is it not wonderful how God works. He opens a door to service elsewhere in the middle of the night. Not only that but he was sending friends in high places that knew the situation. Does it not seem a little strange to you how this man of Macedonia knew Paul's name. Moreover, he knew his number and from whence he came. Also, he knew just how to get a hold of him by dialing 1-800-The-Lord directly. Then this strange man seemed to know that Paul was needed. Nor had Paul ever asked to serve either. Now I know, dreams and visions often come from the Lord; the rest are from that strange cheese pizza you had the night before. Could it be that the reason this man appeared to Paul was because he could be trusted with the assignment. The reason God does not send more of you is not that he does not know you. Rather, you have not been proved faithful. Some of you Netflix and pill when you should be working and chill. Had Paul gotten three rejection letters and packed up for the balmy shores of his favorite sailing destination, the world would be forever changed. See, some Macedonians needed God's help. More than that, Paul's new-found friend Titus, told of in 2 Corinthians 2, needed him also. Is it not wonderful that just when you need him, God is there. He answers every cry and prayer made him even if he sends someone else.
And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 that he came to preach the gospel unto Troas. The name Troas means the penetrated. It is located beside the province of Asia facing Italy. Ancient times knew it more simply as the Troad. It seems Paul has come between a rock and a hard place with the message of Christ. How many know that God is neither mean nor tight-fisted. Paul might be here in this place now; but God will not leave him be for long. See, he got this call in the Spirit from his brother of the faith, Titus. He searched and hunted everywhere from whence this open door came. Since, as most things do, this door opened in Lord. Is it so strange though. For is he not the door, the frame, and the whole house put together. Now, this dreaming man told none his name. But when it is of the Lord, the Spirit will teach you all things. So, Paul now knows what he never did before. Here the apostles gathered all with haste to sail unto Macedonia. The name Macedonia speaks of highland adoration from across the Agean sea. The city sits on the shores of what would become the modern-day Balkan peninsula.
Aside from all the unrest and fiery tempers which came from this region, notice something else with me. Here and now this region of Macedonia is largely occupied as a Roman territory. Might well Paul say to himself that things are finally looking up. Now you know both the triumph and the glory are of Christ. So, he makes the secret things known to them in all places. You might have a situation now. But when God is through, it will not stay one for long. Wherever the apostles go, people smell not the aroma of the life and death situation they just left. This is how you can be dying one day with no purpose; the next you are living with a call and a brother. Now the people both see and smell a resurrection. The apostles were called to the believing and the unbelieving alike. They speak of death and life to the many. For is not God both faithful and sufficient in all places at the same time. Here the Word borne is pure and uncorrupted. Before God, the apostles spoke Christ to the people.
Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to Samothracia, and the next day to Neapolis;
See how God called the apostles out of penetrated. He brought them to a high mountain island above it all. Nor does God leave them stranded in strange places. Here they found a new place, Neopolis, upon which city all languages agree. Now when God called the apostles, he had already found them faithful. Here Paul is telling the church of 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 he needed not to write his own resume, obtain letters of testimony, or even proclaim himself. Indeed, others were in the business of getting such from the church to their own hurt. Rather, God knew his name. He had his number. Thus, would he call on the apostle Paul again. For the whole church in Corinthians showed off God's glory and grace to all who cared to notice. See, the Word came there with power. Like the city set on a hill they could not be hidden. Nor did Paul take his pen and draw a lovely picture of sunshine and roses. Rather the Spirit came with the Word to change their hearts and lives. As the apostles trusted God, so they also preached. For both the sending and the ministry were of God. It should be little wonder then that the call to ministry came by the Spirit in the night watches. So, God knows all our needs, having written the church in spirit upon the heart of the Father. Indeed, it is his church, being made like him. Knowing this, the fact remains he uses the spirits of man to do his work. Such a thing should bother none.