Pharasaical Notions


At this point, the keeping of those in the house is just a matter of course that was once where these had ended up with our Lord. There was many intrusions and quite possibly also some worries for all the times they had come barging into his chambers. It seems the favorite place of the Lord was there with that of the rest home in his house on the Sabbath. Well, that was until the Pharisees were quite finished with the whole of the bunch. Needless to say, perhaps his perspective was not quite as considered, possibly not well as it should have been much rather. It's just the thing though when it came to driving the moneychangers from their habitual chores and turning the people back into rightful postures of action, that he still on occasion reminded these of the dishes just left at home in the washing.

To such people as these that were how shall we put this continually missing a little of something, I'd quite lost count of the gnats and camels they'd traveled. Though I'm sure there's no keeping of score for the Lord only knows what of these particular matters as well as the places each had been on the journey. Suffice to say that after all this was allowed to happen as those after whom much also had worried, these too had need of the mint and rue with the herbs just brought in as tithe for the Lord. Perhaps these also had need of some poisoner's cures, but just maybe perhaps no one would know except for the Lord.