Next on the Journey
"As it is in Heaven" tells about then very much certain or so on from when care was necessity and forgiveness a must. It's being held up here as the very far-off standard to which we'd attain in some part if only or so until then. That's partly what's led to care being given that's fragmented very much as though lacking in clothes almost as Christ in his dignity felt with being exposed all while the soldiers untrained sat about gambling then. Besides all that, being so very much unpleasant certainly there remains a whole much of the training lest these too as some should somehow grow empty and bare. The givers of care too shouldn't be allowed to fail thus in their duties nor lest the halls of these somehow grows empty and bare. This then provides for that of the training almost as those ministers of a far greater order than the one that's just been actualized later or so on from there. Along with it too comes the knowledge of running of systems that keeps the whole thing operating smoothly just as intended hardly without any obvious defaults or naysayers then of the care. With all these things hardly comes a being connected to one that's far greater even that of the building as a few of the leaders ever so readily are fond of the saying. Then at the last there remains something of a function not to be found as in the just being discovered but much rather something with merit in which task-based functionality with a view for the whole now is occurring. I know you'd very much like things to be just like there as with all things most of all founded and sure, a whole person systems sort of secure. Though the roadmap of getting there still seems very much like a whole bunch of directionless systems though it would help in these times to remember all that's just the whole business that's contained in it's finally becoming the kingdom. Though perhaps up there there won't be found any of the half hardly petty sort of a squabbles that so differentiate the halls of our care as some big imperfect sort of a system. Agreement comes only then on what's needful as those that are busily engaged in the care of the people much as you'd like the sound of that from the start and I perhaps a little less so more it is figured.
With the form and the function thereof being firmly established of sorts comes only the what of the kingdom of course with it being a must very much certainly having so from then of one that's come so far in the journey. Since Heaven's not as far away as you'd think in the faintest whisper of wind, the bowed head, and the hereby contained final hint of a prayer it's "give us this day" only from there but not as being found to the body only where care is a must and ministry a well certain much duty. The phrase then implies possessing a sense of urgency mixed in with the certainty that though without makes for the kingdom to come not as one that is forced, missing or broken, or hereby disposed. Very much half hardly then more sort of likely the Father above is hardly so obligated to bring in all things good that's so of the kingdom most needful, but with all of his people assembled just ready and waiting, it makes for a much more intentional journey. It's not just that though we're very much engaged as with the people in the sitting around and waiting for care. Perhaps though if their situation wasn't nearly so helpless and broken these too would be seen helping themselves working. Though what's the good in it when the system is far from perfect and the people are missing who'd otherwise be serving such as these right from the jump. Though in the kingdom, it's a system of intentional labor not in a mindless sort of a pattern but for those carrying out the demands for the care of the people for without such as this as supposed they wouldn't be going anywhere very much certainly. Nor is merely a mindless repetition of labor with a trust in the Father though to bring in his good will for us very much later and now at last as them that are trusting him for something even that of the least. Though whatever that is very much needful as "our daily bread" brings the life it is told from the basic involvement in local soup kitchens to the feeding of those at the doctor who've arrived then for the care With some quite possibly staying very much later due to the broken-down condition of their own mutual labor.
Far better to receive it from here than in the current very own natural systems from the hospital to where these occurred with busy's a certainty and force then a must as those thus engaged wouldn't have had otherwise options. Our daily bread then as something more than the providing of nature of birth and of death in it's own continual cycle finds very much certainly these all things occurring though without or apart being very much separate from the halls of the just. Then too our daily bread shouldn't be anything very much half hardly unusual except for the same basic provision of hereby making a living without the stuff frohe future like the investment, bonds, retirement, and stocks then of course like what are those meant for but in times of a crisis. Which we've been over and back then very much certainly and these things while Nice to have at the moment are hardly a source of the comfort then in the future to come. That's to say the system is very much broken and missing when everything's gone down of a sort taking with it the futures, the hopes, and the lives. You were right then for the moment in sounding the alarm of a permanent crisis one brought about by the system's bias and very own sort of half hardly mismanagement. Then too the bread is all that's necessary provided as such along with the just and the holy where nothing's missing or broken and certainty taken as a must of the clothing thereby allowing for it's own very much imperpetual motion. That's to say whatever's become say as in told of the old when the weaver was busy running the mill, with the grinders engaged in churning the meal, and with the bakers all set about to the making of later. What's that all just to say besides being continual cogs in a function is a system like that of the care engaged in it's own perpetual motion. Though it isn't very much really cause let the people cease from their labor or the giving and providing then of the care and the whole system fundamentally becomes inherently broken for it's very own lack of consideration when it comes to the bias and hatred with a disrespect for them that've been providing and so very much allowing this particular own type of a system.