Medico Medicus Mecorum


It seems there's once again been an issue as more than a few of these faithful and then though perhaps not slack in their duties now among men. Basically, all that's just a fancy way of saying it's not as much as supposed, these immortal makings of clothes. Let's say we had finally gotten over the first half hardly sort of an issue where the swords and the blades are as much as really all things considered. Then again, were the swords and the back-bitings put back to good use once again, there'd be hardly lacking for strength then in wounds. Let's say you'd happened to make some either in fight or in battle or if you'd remembered your training through stealth very much rather. First thing's you'll notice is the size of the wound if not for the blood that comes pouring out from the space or the breach there that's been made in the skin.

The muscles, blood vessels, and everything else that gets in the way of the knife, with the only thing lacking is damage control after what's been the time meant for disaster. Along with the blood loss also comes shock due to blood pressure drops around through the system. Though the blood pressure and heart rate rise suddenly in attempt to keep up before falling back down once again as the strength leaves the system. With the initial shock survivable really through bundles and dressings and quite possibly a few other magical potions, that chance though is looking quite slim and fading faster than him. That's to say, you'll have to be fast on the uptake to stop this occurring. The other thing that's unknown to most except to more than a few is the setting in of residual infection or inflammation, the sonredum of burning. These are known to slip in through cracks in the skin with redness, swelling, pain and a few things besides the lot of these happenings.