Maestrous Consoleum


There where the fig trees once grew were the vineyards also along with what all they knew. It doesn't seem much, at first, except for the servant of the master overseeing this whole particular junction. The servant had been a long time in employment, good and faithfully as best as was able. Perhaps the master should've been the judge of that really. Regardless to those looking in it must've seemed like this particular one had no reward in the bargain. So in his service or efforts thus far, he said little except merely the continuance of his duties then rather. At this juncture, some also would wonder except for the Master's relative silence on this as with all other matters, scarecely a word had been uttered save that of the attire to be worn or so on and then. Still though, time wore on and soon the servant became a very old man.

Surely with what seemed like his master's ill sort of will, he had need very much for the uses of poison. Though he didn't rather except to mutter ought of the fig tree on occasion that seemed was his very own sort of companion. It was among his many duties to tend and to care for this as with other things roughly considered though quite possibly favored just in the little. At last, time found the servant lying down beside a great river in the banks of it's shadow to say nought of the fruit so like unto him in its nature and the Master too having borne him so forthwith till the end.