Healing Faith


Acts 14:9-10

The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,

Someone told me God is indeed doing a mighty work in our day. But is he not also doing one here in this text also. Now, when you have a situation, God can bring you out. How much more love do these persecuted people of God show even after their despiteful usage. See, faith begins with hearing and that with the Word of God. Yet in this lame man was found some faith. He just knew that the apostles would do him good. Even more, he knew there was a God which healed him. More than that, he was waiting for the touch from God like those of Siloam who would sit by the pool daily; John 5:4 sees them waiting for their angel to stir the waters. See, this man had not spoken to the apostles nor yet to Jesus. How he had heard of such news, albeit little, is anyone's guess. But Paul looked earnestly at him and his situation. He peered as a man would yet seeing the unseen.

See, when you have faith in God, seldom will it go unrewarded. It was nothing that Paul had done other than his faithfulness unto God. 1 Corinthians 6 says for none of the old way will inherit the kingdom. Consider also those having disputes with the brethren; the same really ought to take such before the saints rather than the unjust. See, some of you were once a laundry list in God's sight. But now are you cleansed. For this cause are not all things expedient. In case you were wondering that word just means beneficial, needed, or necessary. But still all things may be permitted for you. Thus, we eat meat to fill the belly and so is the opposite true. We also have a belly to fill with meat. In the end, will not God destroy both to bring fulfillment. So also, the body is not for fornication, but rather for the Lord. Have we not been raised in his power. Now the body has been "bought with a price;" it is the Spirit's temple and not your own. Yet should you also no longer be a slave to sin. But now are we one spirit with the Lord, for it is a Heavenly joining. For this cause, we flee fornication and all other spiritual nonsense not worth having.

Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.

Yet the man leaped and walked because the Word also came with power. This is why Paul would say he 'thanked God that he baptized none;' so also a few others planted, fed, and watered the church here. But it was God who gave increase. You have got to stop blaming everything else for your situation. Just get into God's presence and allow him to sort it out. If you do not have faith enough for that, just sit in his throne room and then he would heal you. Some of you must see this fully to understand. You know, one can only guess at some of their stories when you find such a one as this. But we just saw the story of the man who supposedly married his father's wife in the church. My friends, we were all sorts of things before God saved us. Paul had laundry list of them. But since you are going to name names, point fingers, and blame just go sit with the table of the perfect people and eat of the Lord's communion supper. If you find yourself sitting alone, oh well. At least you have spared the rest of the church from your own nonsense. Like Paul, you really ought to take care of the disorder in the house first; then you can let God sort it all out. I can promise, you will not be disappointed with his results. Now is seen the heart of the Father on display for his church. If you cannot heal the lame man, the least you can do is pick the sticks up from your own yard. Some of you seem to have quite a few. I see judgement, excuses, unbelief, and bad circumstances for some of you. It is easy to see when your is neighbor crippled and in need of a healing. But what about your own house. See, Jesus of Nazareth passed through. Believe me, he is coming just for you.