Hauled In
Acts 16:19-21
And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers,
There is a certain story of injustice told throughout history which feels fitting to share here. It speaks of Saint Patrick and the snakes being driven from Ireland; this text is exactly how things like that begin. Paul would have found a forever home in Lydia had the Lord willed. I could tell of hope, light, and all the comforts of home. But now all that seems ripped away suddenly in the blink of an eye. It hardly seems fair to anyone. Here these apostles are unjustly accused; so, they are brought before the marketplace rulers. Certainly, before the city leaders was nowhere the apostles wished to go. 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 speaks of the spiritual principle known as treasure in the earth vessels. Note this text does not mean to treasure your burial urns and clutch at them tightly. That is not what this is saying at all. Indeed, Paul is writing unto some broken people with some very real problems. So, our life matters not but rather Christ's lived in us. The story is often told of a cracked vase used for hauling water from the well downhill. Along the way some little water leaked along the path. It seemed useless to any looking on. But one day the owner of the vase pointed out the flowers growing along the path. You, just like that vase, are cold, useless clay without him. But listen to what Jesus did. He took a light and set it inside. Now the vessel is pretty and glazed. All around indeed are amazed for there is light enough for all.
And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city,
Remember the vase from before. It lights up the room, what had once been your tomb. All around are amazed for now there is light enough for all. So now, you live as a vessel destined straight for the true Father's table. For behold God has called him some believing people. You may have only said so before. But when God is through, it matters not if you, the circumstances, or the apostles are through. God can still raise you up. For so it is to his glory. Paul says it matters not to him whether he lived or died; in all things he is the Lord's. Standing before the council, he himself felt troubled, perplexed, persecuted, cast down, and in very real danger of dying again. Yet still he served Jesus as was his habit. Note that Paul was neither mad nor reckless. Rather he lived in the surety of God who raises the dead. In all things he dwelt in Christ, whether now or in eternity. See, Paul might be hauled before the judges and falsely accused. But it will not be so forever. For God is mighty to bring him out once more unto those people, places, and ministries that he loves. Not only that but the Lord will present the apostles with the church once more. Some of you really ought to give God thanks for the things he has done. Those without this hope would very much feel distressed, despairing, forsaken, and destroyed when such a breaking comes. Seeing such things requires Heaven's point of view.
And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans.
My, Paul is feeling low indeed. These masters had no apparent issue with their young damsel causing public scenes, disturbing the peace. Yet because these men were Romans, that surely must make them a special sort of citizen. But here is an entire colony of Romans waiting. So, we see the real observers of these unlawful customs were rather the masters themselves. Thus, these men ought to be brought up in court in place of the apostles. These only sought to free the people by setting them at liberty unto Christ. But such is the deceitfulness of sin. Its' wages are high indeed for all who wish to pay. God will take care of these masters also which seek to enslave many in traps and snares. Rest assured; there is a situation now. When God is through, it will be done, over, and a situation no more. For what the Son makes free, according to John 8:36, shall be so indeed. See, it would strengthen some of you to know that the trial was not sent to destroy you. Rather it came for Heaven's grace and for God's glory. When you have come through the fire and the floods, you will also have for yourself a testimony. Thus, it is not about how good you are; nor is it about how you manipulated things. Rather all you suffer is for the sake of a Jesus testimony. Some might feel like Paul; see he is about to faint or perish before the council. This trial your facing is for only a little while. God has set limits and duration upon it. These are the bounds whereby it will not overrun you. But hold on. A renewal is coming. Glory is coming. Eternity is coming. Behold, even now it is on its' way for the people of God. Maybe you do not see God's move yet. But in faith and in his timing you soon will. Today, some of you need Heaven's point of view.