Habitus Naturous
Though at this point there's very little to keep death now from striking again. That is to say either by accidental or little by little as there's a few that're ever so fond of the doing. Trust me, you think I'm bad, there's way worse ones out there, all intent on the same thing which is mission in general. You'll not think twice doing what you love getting paid for a living when it's decent work to be had and profits are good. The only thing worse is the sneaking in after say, into the building, and oh goodness me. There's one stalking us now isn't there, I can smell it in the air that we're breathing. Then again, could be what we've been drinking or God forbid even the food that we're eating. You can certainly tell from the smell these substances rather unless they happen to come across another thing that's tastier rather. That's why most meals that are poisoned seem composed up of sugar and spice and everything nice with just a hint of the serpant's tail around in the middle. Perhaps though should you find yourself once again lacking, there's a few things that help absorb the natural course of the poisons. These would be meat, protein, potatoes, and certain starches in nature. Also if you've got anything fatty perhaps fried in the oil or made up of it rather, you've already got a pretty powerful coating against even the most potent of potions.