Captured Above
For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:
2 Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for that he himself also is compassed with infirmity.
3 And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.
Hebrews 5:1-3
Consider this if you will him who endured such affliction lest you too grow weary and faint in yourself. Then too consider him while it is called today. Consider him as worthy of this and all that ever could be. Consider him as Lord of all we have to offer and more so and then. Consider him who endured such affliction before whom it is witnessed he lives. See, the part about he lives and the witness above matters so too pertaining both in this life and the one still to come. How many of you know of the twelve tribes of Israel. Yet even Paul being confident of this very thing that thus did appear knew such more clearly as simply the children of God. Now by no means was he saying that Israel was God or even capable of taking his place. Instead, he simply made his point clear that the Israel of God mattered not very much as the be all and end all author of their own stuff. Rather, in this too should we not just rather rest with the Lord. Here there is a taken from among men still to be seen in the text. How many of you know of this taken from among men versus the one to be found with the Lord. Man sure can choose them alright, just as with one from among the many flocks and the herds. These also were brought to the temple year after year with some being brought by the people and others as in the atonement being selected themself. Yet when it comes to this all things being seen of the Lord, he does his own choosing though very much not at all really as after the fashion of men. For this cause does the Scripture say that the and being found in fashion as a man occurred from there then that the obedience may come on after as unto death even the death of the cross. So too the Father would not that his Son should suffer a loss despite the failure and faults then of man that were seen so far in the building. See, man at times failed to listen as it had been since the beginning. So too at others was there a forgetting the all things taught or remembered of just like the man in the mirror as Paul said having forgotten the Father's own home. Then again how many of you know the choosing of God as the old gospel song often says when he 'looked beyond my fault and saw my need.' Surely he expects none of these to be perfect such as himself only to represent him well and so to listen and do all his good will. Nor is it to ourselves that we are serving very much only as is so often the manner of some such and then. In all this, is he not good if ever my friends. Then too such as this should he not be tempted of man. In this are all high priests from among men selected to merely reflect the rest of the people. Thus, by human standards is some goodness relatively speaking. Though when you are in Jesus this does not much matter for in Christ has not a new creation been a long time in coming. Though the sins also be as scarlet shall they not be made unto wool in the light of his glorious gospel and grace. For that by one man had sin entered the world and death by sin so as much later should not the Lord also have suffered as well as the Lamb slain since before the foundation of the world. But here in this is our salvation founded and sure being found at the hands of a God who formed all the worlds. That is to say everything visible seen or unseen, both in Heaven, and of things under the earth that all might be found to his praise and glory as well. Nor were all the high priests perfect being so taken from among men that some had even forgotten their clothing as was the case of Aaron at first. So it seems the matter appeared then to the Lord of having to give instructions for his hygiene and relative clothing. Even the manner of conduct was open to this as our God was found instructing his people. In this then can it be known that the Levitical thrive was so taken to God. Meant at such a time and purpose as this to be the ascribed to his holy people. Yet when these appeared not as righteousness dressed, found before him also his very best, it became a burden upon the priests not to be found as after this fashion. Instead rather that the manner of these should appear as after the Lord. See, from there are all such things that are meant for the service, regardless of whatever it takes whether our lives or our being, as a manner of all thing offered back then unto him. Then too might well you wonder at the expense that has been given as though perfume poured out all in the sake of the people. Notice how that his name appears as such very much really being as the wine you were drinking and the oil that's poured out on the world. Indeed, a name that is above all others has been given him from the rest whether from a perspective of gifts and sacrifices relatively speaking. Though when it comes to the sins, the ignorant, the out of the way, and the infirm then their comes very much out of it a thing of his birth. Perhaps you have heard some say only 'he gets us' as well. My friends, he does not just get us, nor is he as us as some have supposed. For in the being taken out from among men is his being set apart by the Lord for the purpose though from a supernatural perspective that says this too will work out for his glory and that death is a lie. Somebody shout 'in the building but blessed of the whole because I have a sneaking suspicion that you will be needing it in the praise of his glory. Though such a time as this be a long time in coming, the Lord has very much not forgotten his people nor is he missing as some have perceived him as well. So then too can we trust him to do all his good will. But we understand not at times I suppose, that is why he is still God, anointed and appointed as high priest of the just even so too sitting high on his throne. Could it be that in all our situation and fret we have something missing even the the sound of his glory. Come on now, let us rest and so trust all our ways on back to the Lord no matter what the result very much rather whether then taken from among men or no of a sort. For such a perspective as this does our God delight in doing all his good will that his eternal purpose may stand. It would behoove us to trust him that much more very much rather and so to be found as after his clothing.