Blessing of God
Acts 14:16-18
Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.
Paul opens 1 Corinthians 10 with the complete history lessons of Israel; he begins with their forefathers in the wilderness. See how they are examples to us now. For all of us face temptations; but when it comes, he always makes a way of escape for us to bear it. My, it reminds me of the old gospel hymn that says, Jesus must have borne the cross alone; cause in the meantime the rest of the world went free. The song continues, 'no, there is a cross for me.' What a word spoken of the resurrection from the corruption seen in Hebrews. Now I know we also should not be forever wandering, lusting, idolatrous, fornicating, murmuring, and tempting Christ as did they. For as the Israelites have offered, so they also partake of their altar. So do the Gentiles partake of theirs. Herein is contrasted the table of God from that of the demons. See, what some of us do not seem to understand is that the communion of Christ is meant to be a holy thing. In this we see the certainty of the resurrection coming; but first we must needs pass through here to get it. So have we liberty but not to give offense; thus, do we only to God's glory and to win many sons into his kingdom. Now I know that God has been long-suffering with the people of the region indeed. Heretofore, have the apostles been witnesses to his goodness and grace in all seasons they found themselves.
And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.
My, it seems to have taken all the apostles had to calm the crowd once more. I do not know if some of you have also felt like singing, shouting, and dancing in the Lord. But here, these apostles are singing his praises in the nude from one end of the city to the other. This pagan people turned baby church was in sore need of all the gospel teaching that could be received. Is it any wonder that Paul must first train them to walk uprightly then crawl in the Lord. I just wonder how we could have missed it in between our almost two-thousand years of gospel heritage. Could it be that like this church here, God has some things hid until our time to receive them. If we only knew what wonders our God had prepared for those who love him. Like 1 Corinthians 2:9, we too might be ready to offer him some strange sacrifices. See, he is the Lord of all creation; how dare we offer anything less than our best to him. But when it comes to our big fat hens, pagan sacrifices, and things of this world, God has no need for them at all. For so he rewards his own servants. How much more will he not freely give himself all things of those that are his. Some of you really ought to get the right heart attitude, motivation, and response to the things of himself.