At Last a Misadventurous


Surely there's room for some small things just like yourself to have grown up as a matter of course in the natural. I mean, just as now some are now actually still starting to grow as a person. Though very much I'm not talking about the development of character. Some of you are capable of doing that all by yourself. I mean, the way that some small things have grown big once again. No, not that way up by the window out and facing the street. Now come away from that ledge – and careful of that one. Once released it'll set forth a cloud that'll swallow a city. Though it's not really gone yet not truly, just in the way that your eyes can perceive. Unless you enjoy nightfall once more in the city without a hint of home once again. Nor will I be responsible for your relative function. Hush little one, now safe in my arms, oh but it's been a good journey. It's almost time to go home now at the end. Come on back now for daylight is fleeting and with it also the relative clothing. Oh little one, won't you be staying with us then later of sorts lest before the Master there's naught of the good to report. Only all the bad things also that happened and I can't have been found to fail before him then. I mean, what in all of Heavens would naturally think. Come on now, safe from fear and all alarms, tomorrow'll be another dawn.