Aching and Missing


Acts 16:6-8

Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia,

How Paul even tried to get into Asia I would dearly like to know. Achaia, Phrygia, and Galatia as you well know do not equal Asia. These territories were once considered to be the doorway to the provinces of Asia. So, it makes sense for Paul to try to enter there. Now it also happens to be the core of Paul's teaching. Here we see most clearly the heart of God on display for the church. Now, as I introduce each place, try not to be like a modern-day Dorothy. Remember she was going to see, instead of the wizard, the great king of Oz. Rather, we are on a journey with Jesus. He has not for instance promised we would find brains, hearts, courage, shoes, or medals along the way. Speaking of things that were unnecessary, how many of you know that Dorothy had already given everything her traveling companions needed. Remember the oil, companions, and purpose she provided them. In doing so, she found her own shoes and her own place. The story could have ended there; it would have been enough. But how much more wonderful is God in his care for his people. Those of this region sound rather like the people of Oz do they not. Could it be that the reason Paul was forbidden to go into Asia was because the gospel had already been preached there.

I can hear you saying now with Mary in Luke 1:34, "how can these things be?" Remember Daniel once was granted his own way and the missing angel to the east. Could it be that God in his infinite wisdom had already provided for someone. In his time will he not bring it forth. Some of you just need to be a little more like Dorothy to the people of God. See, I too knew someone who read the Word and believed it was alive. Maybe it matters not to you if the apostles walk off the pages one day. Maybe someone just needs to know that God reigns. If you are ever put in a literal lion's den one day, you know just what God can do. He means what he says, my friends. The story is far from over and the book not yet done. It seems such a shame that the apostles came all this way only to be denied. It looks like another sad event added to a life already full for the name of Christ. Yet see how God will turn this thing around. 2 Corinthians 1 opens with a lovely greeting from Paul and Timothy. The letter is addressed to the church at Corinth and saints of Achaia. Then it begins with their greetings. It seems rather odd to put the leave takings at the beginning, does it not. So, it is when you are traveling with Jesus. God sends his grace and peace in the middle of it all. Whether in our business, storms, tests, and trials, these are but footnotes in the hand of an almighty God. But is he not the most unnecessary necessary God.

After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not.

For this cause, God also comforts us, whether we be having a Philippians 4 moment, a Hebrews 11 one, or just this one right here. So, we bless him. Therein is he able to save, comfort, and deliver. When you have come through the storm and the rain, you will see him guiding you. You may be like Paul in Asia wherein he despaired even of living; so great was his distress. When you have come through, you too will be able to put your arms around somebody. Then you will say, 'God is with you brother or sister in the faith.' For this is our consolation and hope. Just as God has done for me, so will he also do for you. Remember, all this is for the sake of the gospel and the name of the Lord. I will tell you what Paul found when he assayed to come to Asia. He found a situation that should have killed him. It ought to have taken him out right then, right there. Likewise, the church prayed for his deliverance from the many troubles. Is not God true to his Word. For so he can be taken at such. It is living indeed. These Words are Spirit and they are life. Surely Paul thought the story was over and God was through. But now here comes a rejoicing and a testimony which follow. First there came deliverance and eternal life. So, it might seem strange to some that Paul's way has been blocked these three times.

But how many know that when God reroutes something, it will always turn out for your good. You might be passing through some territories of Achaia right now. This region represented the not yet of God. But just remember when he is through; he will bring you into the now of his time. So, Paul says all God's promises are yes and amen to his glory of the ages. For this do they praise him. Paul writes them what is read and acknowledged. Nothing further is given. For he knows that throughout his story, his life, and his journey God is faithful. Even if the church never sees it with him, yet God will come through. Now he finds joy in the church which was not there before. So confident is he in the Lord that he wishes to pass them going to and from Macedonia. Then he wishes to come back on his way to what awaits him in Jerusalem. Nor are his purposes after the flesh as some human men do. Rather, Paul says nay to the glory of God. For God always makes our paths straight for righteousness' sake and our own. Both the gospel and the Son agree that all his promises and his purposes are yes and in him amen. But the apostles' stability and anointing, as should the newborn church's, rests in Christ. He is also our dominion for all we face. So, he is the helper of our joy in testing. Thus, will the church stand in the power, the purposes, and the keeping Spirit of Christ.

And they passing by Mysia came down to Troas.

When the territory of aches to see you meets up with the region of miss you, something strange begins to happen. Paul calls it a doctrine of heaviness. Sometimes what we go through in this life causes great heaviness on the journey. Nor does this sorrow make either the Word or the traveling very light. So had Paul came and spoke the Word in 2 Corinthians 2 as he intended, they would all have been sorry. Nor would Paul have one person or the whole church to make glad as was their wont. Then all would have been upset, as rightfully they should. But God had spared Paul much trouble in the territory of Achaia. Herein are the joy and the sorrow mixed. Those that have been through some things know of what I speak. See, Barnabas indeed had been lost in his trip by himself. Paul's prophecy in 1 Corinthians of the coming of such a one into the house of God. Upon hearing their prophesies, he would fall down to the glory of God. Such was due to being convicted of sin and the life to come. So now in this text Paul reminds them of who had grieved him only partly. Indeed, should he come unto the church there, they were to receive him. Nor would this reception come alone. With it came restoration unto Godly fellowship once more. Indeed, this is a church of some forgiven people. By so doing, would their debt to Paul and to the Lord be made complete. Now obedience and forgiveness meet. God's grace is sufficient for all those left behind by your obedience to God on this journey. Yes, the leaving might hurt. Yes, you might mourn the situation. But God will not let it stay a situation for long. To this end do we strive that Satan take not the advantage of the gospel away by force or deception.