1. Is any of the content based on real life events?
Most of the stories and events sprinkled throughout the books are true and accurately recounted to the best of my ability. The last thing I want to do is to hurt anyone's feelings. However, I realize that we all have issues to varying degrees. Sure, as humans we struggle and sometimes we fall. To this end, I have included stories like these to make you smile, think, and even to bring you some cheer. Once I knew someone who believed the only way out was up. They were about ready to do themselves harm just like the Philippian jailer when our God had stepped in. You'll never know by just by looking at someone what all he's brought them through. Just because a situation is pressing doesn't mean it's the end. Like the woman with an issue in Luke 8:43, we too should push our way closer to him. Therefore, some creative license has been taken to avoid privacying the Lord. Certainly, at times all of us could use a good word.
Into His Courts
Features devotional content through readings and observations gleaned from the Scripture.
With Tomorrow
Expresses our fears, our sins, and our failures as found in the text which were to have met with the Lord
Not A Sparrow Falls
Tells of the story of one saint saved from sinner to glory
With Praise
Neatly sums up the first of the three in one convenient of volume with no thing mentioned save for the praise of the Father in glory who in all of this has been busy rewriting our story
2. Surely you don't mean our Father waits for me there?
Recently, I saw a photo of a massive truck with the bumper sticker 'my story is my own to tell not anyone else.' Well, somebody tell the creator of it they're viral, quick. Jesus came to set us free not to cover up our bodily traumas, festering feelings, and all sorts of conditions. If they drove him to the cross, I hardly think everything can be covered up with a neat little 'Jesus saves' Band-Aid. A lot of us have the notion that our business is privately kept. As a result, how dare anyone help us with anything much. Yet, we ask Google maps for directions freely. The search engine gets all our burning questions and desires for answers. But the One who should have the most say has none at all. If by some chance you enjoy life surrounded by oinking pigs and stinking mud down in the barnyard as the prodigal once, perhaps you're only lying to yourself. See, God never intended you to live there. He came to rescue you from yourself, your habits, and whatever the issue. Just like the good Father of Luke 11:15-32 that his son never knew, he's waiting to welcome you back home to himself. Some of you are so trapped in your own human condition that the way back home has long been forgot. Somehow you missed the Father with his arms stretched open wide. Perhaps your issue isn't the message. Maybe you just don't like who brings the Word. Then again, maybe your whole issue is the Lord. You've been running your whole life, scared, stuck, and going nowhere. Perhaps you've decided this whole God business just isn't for you. Surely the Father will come along right about then.
Little Warriors
Some of the classes have gone for a walk that is gradually evolving into more than a talk
Little Warriors Praise
What was once small has crept out again with the praise of the Father this time in mind
3. Is there any way back to the house of the Father again?
As in Revelation 3:20, he stands at your heart's door and knocks. 'I'm fine,' you say, 'I don't need no help.' Go ahead, shut all your doors and windows tight. Oh yes, Jesus is a gentleman alright. He'll gladly go away if you like. Once I knew a man who hated everyone in sight. One day I went to check on him for what I didn't know would be the very last time. He did exactly what the bumper sticker said and 'come back again.' That very night, not a few hours later, this man met the Lord. In many churches the altar call is given time and again. Truth is you never know when your time will be to go. Yet his offer of John 1:12 "to as many as received him" still stands. I only pray you don't wait until the book has closed and the last chapter is turned. He's ever-ready to receive you back to the house of the Father it seems.
Summative Matter
The Father's House
Song of Solomon
Dealings in Daniel
Little Warriors Praise
Little Walks With Jesus
Acts and the Apostolic Letters
4. Is there anything you'd rather not say?
If you don't mind a little about this real quick. The first four books were part of the standalone series, the Unredeemed. Then our God brought that too into the kingdom of his own glorious light. The rest came in response to an overwhelming outpouring of public support for the project collective, a silent testament to the God who changes all things. There's childrens education and materials provided to assist with the church. Beyond that, there's more for all who would care to listen and take a good look. So without further ado, here's the list just for you.
Remains To Be Seen
Reading is serious business enough without a whole pack of structural errors getting in the way
Gaggle Of Swans
The animals attempt to climb into the ark while still finding their place in the Lamb's book of life
Power Of The Worlds
Primary class has never been more fun than chasing round after this thing and that
Children Of Light
The poetry climbed out one day and never got back
The powers are back at it again, only this time they've managed to catch a few friends
Medici Medices
Hush now, the children are learning expressions
Chorus Of Four
The powers found in nature come already expressed through the spirit of some certain few things
Quasi Demi: A Business Model For Like-Minds
Business is booming as the fate of the world stands looming like some grizzly shadow to be found on the wall
A Tale That Is Told
The story is told of twelve brothers who lost and found more than each other again
Lost Things New
Since revenge was never an option, perhaps such things are better taken back to the Lord
Medici Medixe
The children have discovered what's bigger than them without getting their hands involved as of just yet
Power of These
Trouble is brewing on the not too distant horizon for the powers that be hunkered down in their caves
Possessed of the Kingdom
The territories conspired against the Great King only for their journey to get followed by forces unseen
Came With All Power
At last the powers have reconvened to discuss the latest threat to forever and so also to conquer their fears
Poisoner's Manual
A foremost leading expert in poisons has just suffered a change in complexion
A Perspective of Care
The provision of care has never been easier with a few practice changes made ever so neatly in order to preserve the integrity of the personal whole
5. Surely there is a place of keeping it ever so neatly safely under his wings and there to abide?
At times the way seems long and hard and so too some of us would lack strength for the journey. Be not discouraged though oh wherever you wander that you're never too far from the Father above. Soon too will the journey be but some distant memory though in particular with all things remembered now and again. It would be nice though to have some sort of record of what the Father would rather say or do or maybe consider. Still too what with all the writings and things so carefully planned, it would be nice to say find some rest and shade from the overwhelming and heat of the day. Certainly there's that of the mansions or just the Father's house in particular. From there, it's just one big compedium central and then into levels and then on back to the heart of the Father again.
All Things Rising
The first book in the rest of the history
Power of the Worlds - Gaggle of Swans - Remains to be Seen - Gander and Gosling
All Things That Mattered
The second book in the educational series